Lindea’s professional positions
Lindea offers adaptable positions and stances, depending on the resources and skills available in your organization and in the project, and as a function of the level of accountability and delegation desired:

Expertise that can be implemented in an “a la carte” fashion
From preliminary assessments to deployment, Lindea provides you with a range of unique skills. Our multidisciplinary team is composed of experienced consultants, with a dual culture of managerial and technical capabilities.
- Compilation of the vision, intentions and managerial context
- Analysis of business line organisation and processes (production, logistics, R&D, administration, services, etc.)
- Forecasting needs and description of alternative organisational solutions
- Assessment of site adaptation potential and finding alternative locations
- In the case of a new installation: targeted multichannel search, negotiation of acquisition or entry terms, preparation of the installation and transfer project
- Single or multi-site guiding scenarios
- Investment blueprint, medium- and long-term planning
- Preparatory assessment for a decision, project roadmap and preliminary terms of reference
- Steering, coordination, methodology, project team work
- Organizational and real estate scenarios
- Multi-criteria analysis and decision support
- Real estate expertise in evaluating real estate assets
- Site conversion, enhancement of heritage
- Analysis of land use master plans (PLU, SCOT, SDRIF, etc.)
- Analysis of the local real estate market, economic impact studies, analysis of the needs of the territory (service, jobs, equipment...)
- Assessment of the potential and the technical constraints of existing real estate and reconfigurations prerequisite to a project (deconstruction, decontamination, primary development)
- Real estate programming
- Land management, strategies for allotment, drainage and marketing
- Environmental approach applied to the conversion project (pollution clean-up, ICPE file, energy performance of buildings)
- Evaluation of investment, provisional assessments of operations
- Real estate project: actors, alternative development mode
- Ensuring of statutory compliance
- Project consultation with authorities and regulatory bodies
- Update of facilities needs and of project contributions to community services (UPP, taxes)
- Marketing, implementation of consultations
- Negotiation with the real estate operators and assistance with the contractualization
- Contract performance monitoring
- Urban guidelines: territory ambitions, development strategy, financial issues in development or urban renewal contexts
- Urban and real estate planning, at the scale of a site or territory
- Development and equipment blueprint, operational and financial planning
- Administrative, normative and regulatory conditions, environmental constraints
- Project coordination between communities, regulatory authorities, operators, owners and real estate operators
- Master development plan for both the project equipment and the land, in connection with the development of public amenities and infrastructures
- Functional, technical and performance programming
- Technical and regulatory diagnostics for buildings, potential and upgrading study
- Assessment of prerequisite reconfigurations, demolition, decontamination
- Techno-economic assessment in land planning, restructuring and construction
- Utilities, fluids, operation and maintenance of technical installations, waste and effluent management
- Environmental constraints and energy performance of buildings
- Phasing and implementation of work, co-activity, management of occupied site
- Graphical representation : buildings, roads and services, works, space planning
- Flow of transport and people
- Land-use planning, roads and services, prerequisite configurations (deconstruction, decontamination)
- Management of land reserves and allotments
- Site demutualization: rationalization, Roads and Services, networks, establishing sub-assembly autonomy
- Ensuring of environmental and regulatory compliance
- Evaluation of investment, provisional assessment of operation
- Analysis of complete real estate costs
- Project and operation economic and financial synthesis (CAPEX, OPEX, NPV)
- Subsidies, grants and funding
- Transfer, acquisition, leasing, financing
- Rental arrangement, setting up third-party investor, financing, lease
- Identification and selection of investors: negotiation and contractualization
- Assistance and negotiation of leases on behalf of the operator
- Building and works regulations
- Environmental management, ICPE
- Energy performance
- Safety regulations, ERP, building operation
- Urban planning